Hey guys sry actually last saturday wanted to tell u bout what happened but i too lazy haha ^^
21st december ~ 25 december(ThaiLand trip)
21st - went airport at 6 am boarded plane at 7.30 flight till around 10.30. went to hotel . checked in . the room damn nice la got 3 bed coz got 3 ppl mah my sis me and my mum. the rm two two way one lehhx got snack bar oso but the snack look disgusting the toilet got bathtub one ^^. went shopping -__- boring.
22nd- woke up at 6.30 ate hotel breakfast damn nice ^^ got tour went to some temple, floating market and boat trip haha ^^ went back to shop again.....
23~24th- shop shop shop bored bored......
25th- went eating japanese food explore hotel then went back to sg ^^
30th-met my frens at playground at 10.30 went to lot one watch movie - alvin and the chipmunks 2 actually i wan watch avatar one coz i tink chipmunk very childish very xtra mah youtube u see u wan hear song hor got alvin chipmunk version sommore KAOBEI~!!~!!... bought tickets for the 2 pm show for chipmunks. went to arcade topped $20 got $20 free coz got 2 cards 7 people mah each got $40 in 1 card played daytona i got 1st 3~4 times ^^ ate lunch then bought popcorn and watched movie.. i felt lyk the oldest guy in the movie theatre mann i over there like "funny meh??" so boring? the movie 1 half hour oni lehhs i tot gonna be lyk around 2hours. went back to playground. i nth better to do then tried handstanding ^^ stayed for 2second plus haha( seem pathetic but very zaii alrdy k?) my fren most can do 1 second plus or less lehh then at night tried again stayed for 4.4 seconds hahaa^!@#!#~!@~@~!@~!~@! the rest highest 3second+ lowest 80+ milisec hahhahahahah went back home at 9++