Hey guyys ni hao!~!~!@~!~@~!@!@$@#$%@#!@#~!@#%#$!@#$!@# ^^ Today damndamndamdnamdnamdnamdnmad i mean damndamndamndamndamndamndamn fun mann.
Woke up at 11 so early [ frens keep sms me T.T ] Woohoo watched tv and used facebook ._. boring.
then jianlin came my house . went mac to buy food to marcus house there got junkai and marc. ate ate... junwen came play swordfight ^^ nth betta to do videoed it down. went down at 4. go to tuition then blah blah blah. jianlin junkai marc junwen sophian and his sis went selling children day celebration tickets. Sold some then i came and sold the rest ^^ went home at 7 . Ate dinner . junwen came at 730. went down at 8.30 to play badminton weee... play play play winner stay loser go... played until around 9 45 went buy drink under block 505 saw zhi jun and her frens there david his sis and shan de shan sze playin duel master....>,<||.
Played soccer 5v5 wif them junkai damn damn noob la so slow reactions.... i midfield at first then be keeper coz i lazy liaos haha won 4-3 ^^ 10.50 then reached home haha thats all guyys . If u're reading my post... u have srsly nth betta to do .... MUAHAHAHAHA
LOL Found this web on Matthew blog XDD

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